Finally! I bought No more wordpress in my URL, thank you very much. Exciting!
Additionally, I wanted to point out that you can receive an email when I post a review by subscribing to this blog! Type your email address into the field below the big Foodbuzz advertisement on the right and push the “Sign me up!” button. It’s an easy way to never miss a post and it makes me happy to have a tiny list of people who care! Yeay!
Lastly, B&C is now on Twitter!!! I think it’s a great way to network and pretty much just one more way I can type for the whole internet to see… find me at @brocandchoc!
Hurray, congrats!
Also, rest assured that I never miss a post thanks to the awesome power of Google Reader. Did lovely Lita share with you the wonderfulness of RSS feed readers? Life changing, seriously. 🙂
Hiya Mala!!
Thanks for the comment! Alicia has told me about Google Reader and I keep meaning to get one going for VM stuff… thanks for following me there! I guess there’s no way to tell how many people subscribe via RSS (or maybe there is and I just don’t know it…). I’ll just pretend I have 1000 RSS subscribers and continue to be very content with myself.