Dear Mom,
I have a little side blog now, it’s called Single White Female: Refrigerator (SWFR). Here is a link:
I know I talked about it in a post a couple months ago and that I was unclear about it being a separate blog and you thought it was just one picture of my refrigerator. It is a blog on a site called Tumblr, which is used a bit differently than WordPress or Blogger, which is where my other blogs are kept.
Anyway, on my SWFR Tumblr, I post a picture every week or few of the inside of my (or Alicia’s) refrigerator. Because I find it humorous to see what’s in (or not in, usually) our refrigerators. I know if you weren’t making food for your grandbaby now, you would be proud to boast an entirely empty refrigerator as well. Don’t worry, I know in your heart of hearts, you have an empty refrigerator just like I do. That is not a metaphor.
I hope you enjoy my newest silly online bloggy thing.
P.S. Your minestrone soup was really good, it didn’t stay in my fridge nearly long enough to make it onto SWFR. Thank you.
Love the Classico Sauce!!!! Must be a staple. 🙂
The Classico sauce cracks me up every time… 🙂
Ah yes…the good old days of the empty refrigerator! Thanks for the info, I will keep an eye on your posts! Love you!