I was recently contacted by Kyle Garrett from Seven Summits Productions and told about a neat new venture called the 7 Squared Project. This is a bold project by two film makers who want to use their prowess with the camera to highlight 7 non-profits and 7 businesses in San Francisco with a crowd-funded mini-documentary series. Many of the featured businesses/non-profits are doing work that is geared towards food — Four Barrel Coffee, Heart of the City Farmers’ Market, La Cocina, Mission Pie, and the San Francisco Food Bank, to name a few (hence the reason I was interested in featuring this on B&C). If you’re still scratching your head, watch their short video on Indie-Gogo site and you’ll understand a lot better. Plus, exponents are pretty awesome, so I was excited right away.
Per their press release:
“The 7 Squared Project is a community-based fundraising campaign that aims to produce a series of mini-documentaries for fourteen organizations that are doing purposeful, socially responsible work in San Francisco. Some of the organizations involved are up-and-coming enterprises, while others are already established staples of the city. The project will be funded by donations from members of the community who want to support such worthy organizations. In return, the organizations are providing a variety of incredible prizes in exchange for donations to the project.
The funding goal to produce the fourteen mini-documentaries is $49,000, a carefully chosen amount that equates to $3,500 per video. This will cover production costs and allow the filmmakers and project creators, Amber Crosby and Kyle Garrett, to produce two mini-documentaries per month, beginning in September 2011. Whether the project falls short of its funding goal or exceeds it, one video will be produced for every $3,500 raised from the campaign. The 7 Squared Project hopes to produce more than the targeted fourteen mini-documentaries.”
So, if you read well, you’ll notice that these nice folks are hoping to raise a bit of cash for this adventure… and they’re a bit short at the moment. If you feel so inclined to support local film makers and their quest to expose (in a good way) socially responsible businesses and non-profits (may of which feed us yummy food), feel free to donate a buck or two, and tell your friends, too. I hope they can make some cool videos because I know I’d enjoy watching them. Documentaries are the best.
B&C Donation: $25. Booya.
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