Shameless plug for my new tumblr: swf refrigerator.
Is it a philosophical commentary on a person’s state of mind through the eyes of their refrigerator? Is it a realization of the social implications of gender roles and family values in the current state of our society? Is it an intermittent and admittedly poor advertising campaign for Trader Joe’s? I dunno, it’s my fridge. And it makes me laugh.
I will be updating sporadically and accepting submissions from other swf’s (and sf’s of any ethnicity, really). Mom, will you do me the honor?
Until I started making one meal a week for your sis and niece, my refrigerator contained less than your picture and I was darn proud of it! I wanted as little food in there as possible. Admittedly, some food does indeed occupy my refrigerator. Makes me uncomfortable. swfmom