No, that’s not the name of a restaurant (though maybe it should be); I’m speaking at my cousin’s 4th grade class today about blogging! First I’ll be doing a short talk about being an engineer (career day, woot!) but then I’ll be hanging out with Mrs. Knott proper and discussing my love of blogging with her awesome kiddos.
A short list of why I love blogging:
- It’s an informal way to practice writing, which is important in all walks of life (even as an engineer!).
- It’s fun to write about something you love! (I <3 food)
- It connects you to other people who love the same thing. If your blog gathers a following, the folks reading are probably a lot like you which is awesome — instant friends!
- It’s a great hobby. What else are you going to do with your spare time? May as well use your brain a bit and write!
I’m looking forward to meeting everyone; wish me luck and thanks for having me, Mrs. Knott!! 🙂
P.S.: Mrs. Knott’s class collects box tops for education and hopes to win a quarterly competition within the school for collecting the most! If you see a box top, please save it and send it to me! Email me for more info:
Thanks for helping us collect the boxtops
Hi Anugrah, you’re welcome! I’ll keep looking out for more box tops until the end of the year. 🙂
Everybody listen to her we want to win the box top competition.By the way I’m in Mrs.Knott’s class.Oh and thanks for putting that there Angie.
Haha, thanks Ayush. I’ll definitely pester my friends and family to get more box tops for you guys. Thank you for your comment!
Dear Angie,
Thank you for coming to our classroom to tell about your blog. I really enjoyed learning and thinking of questions to ask you! I really like your title and how you thought of it. Thanks for giving our class the box tops, I really appriciate your help to our school. I liked reading your blogs, especially the jokes that you have in the beginning like how we are not a restaurant. The food you showed us looked delicious just like you said!!!!
Hi Carolyn! Thanks so much for your comment, you are a very articulate writer! Thank you for thinking of such good questions to ask when I was there, I was really impressed with you and your classmates. And thank you for your nice compliments! I wish all my readers were as nice as you are. 🙂
Dear Angie,
Thank You for your presentation on your blog and for aswering all of my questions.Maybe your next visit to a restaurant is Unos!(the restaurant I asked
you if you posted).I hope Mrs.Knott invites you to our class again!
Hi Stephanie, I totally remember Uno from when I was a kid (I think I mentioned that when I was there)… I remember it being very yummy! I hope I can go sometime soon, I’ll have to look up where the nearest one is to my house. I hope Mrs. Knott invites me again sometime as well, I had a fun time talking with you guys!
Hi I’m from Mrs.Knott’s class. My name is Justin. Thanks for posting us on your blog. All the things you posted make me very hungry. I hope you can talk to us again.
Justin Masilang
Hi Justin! Thanks for posting a comment on my blog. I’m glad the pics make you hungry, that’s what they’re supposed to do! 🙂 It was fun to come to your class, thank you for being so nice to me when I was there.
Dear Anji,
It’s me,Mounika in Mrs.Knott’s class. Thank you for writing this post for us!Once I see the pictures of the posts,I feel hungry even though I just ate! You are so lucky to be visiting so many restaraunts.
Hi Mounika, I’m so glad my pictures can make you feel hungry… sometimes they make me feel hungry when I’m writing about them! I love visiting restaurants; it’s so fun to write about something that I like so much! Best of luck to you with your blogging. 🙂
Dear Angie,
Thank you for coming to our classroom and telling us about your blog. Also, thank you for collecting Box Tops, and advertising the collection on your blog. I’m very interested in being a strucural engineer after your Gate speech. Finally, thank you for telling your blog viewers that our class is awesome!
Hi Gayathri! Thanks for coming to my Gate talk about being an engineer, I know you had to give up part of your lunch to come. I hope it was helpful; I think you’d be a great engineer! I’m sure you’d be great at most anything you tried though. 😉 Thank you for your nice comment!
Thanks for coming. I really appreciate it. I learned a lot.
Hi Ria, you’re welcome! Thanks for having me in your class, it was fun talking with you guys and looking at your blogs. Thank you for your comment! 🙂